1-2 issues matching your criteria:
Frontiers of Biogeography 17 (2024)
Archaea (1),
Bacteria (1),
Protozoa (2),
Fungi (2),
Plantae (6),
Animalia (5),
Chromista (1),
Chordata (1),
Magnoliophyta (1),
Magnoliopsida (1),
Varanidae (1)
Citizen Science (1),
Remote sensing (1),
Methodology (1),
Diversity patterns (1),
Macroecology (1),
Ecology (2),
Dispersal (1),
Phylogeography (2),
Evolution (2),
Distribution modelling (3),
Conservation (1),
Island biogeography (1),
Biogeography (11),
Environmental gradients (1),
Ecology (1),
Habitats, ecosystems, and natural spaces (1),
Diversity (1),
Bioinformatics (1),
Human impact (2),
Management (1)
Europe (2),
Asia (2),
Americas (4),
Central Asia (1),
Pacific (1),
South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland (1),
Southern Africa (1),
Australasia (1),
Botswana (1),
Southern Europe and Mediterranean (1),
World (3),
Africa (4),
Alps (1),
Namibia (1)