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Corresponding author: José Alexandre F. Diniz-Filho ( ) Academic editor: Susanne Fritz
© 2024 Guilherme Rogie Gonçalves Tavares, Lívia Estéfane Fernandes Frateles, José Alexandre F. Diniz-Filho.
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Tavares GRG, Frateles LEF, Diniz-Filho JAF (2024) Effects of the interaction between Linnean and Darwinian shortfalls on diversification gradients. Frontiers of Biogeography 17: e131169.
It is now widely recognized that broad-scale patterns in species richness, particularly the Latitudinal Diversity Gradients (LDGs), are driven by complex interactions among ecological, evolutionary, and historical processes. However, even if it is now possible to better evaluate evolutionary explanations for LDGs based on speciation and diversification rates estimated from phylogenies, a subtle interaction between such estimates and the geographic structure of the Linnean shortfall, forming the Latitudinal Taxonomy Gradient (LTG), was recently recognized. Here, we expand on previous simulation results and show that a relatively small geographical bias in the Linnean shortfall, adding less than 20% of new species phylogenetically correlated with previously described ones in the southern (richer) region, would be enough to change the patterns in diversification rates, based on different methods (tip rates DR and GeoSSE). Further investigations of the magnitude of LTG and new empirical modeling of problems in species delimitation are thus necessary to evaluate the robustness of the estimates of the diversification gradients to biased knowledge and taxonomic uncertainty, allowing a better understanding of the evolutionary dynamics underlying LDGs.
Geographical patterns in the Linnean shortfall, creating Latitudinal Taxonomy Gradients (LTGs), may jeopardize robust estimates of diversification gradients and our understanding of processes underlying diversity patterns.
Simulations show that a relatively small geographic bias in the Linnean shortfall, adding new undiscovered species phylogenetically close to the known ones, is sufficient to invert patterns in diversification rates estimated by two distinct methods.
A more comprehensive assessment of the magnitude of diversification gradients in respect to the LTGs is necessary to evaluate the robustness of our understanding of LDGs.
Empirical modeling of species delimitation quality and simulations adding small branches in the phylogenies, mitigating simultaneously both Linnean and Darwinian shortfalls, may provide more consistent evidence for drivers of LDGs accounting for taxonomic uncertainty.
Darwinian shortfall, diversity gradients, diversification rates, GeoSSE, latitudinal taxonomy gradient, Linnean shortfall, macroecology
There is now some consensus that the broad-scale diversity patterns, in particular the Latitudinal Diversity Gradients (LDGs), are a product of complex interactions between historical patterns and ecological responses to changing environments (
The subtle shift from contrasting ecological and evolutionary diversification in the attempt to understand broad-scale diversity patterns has been possible because, in the last 20 years or so, there has been an increase in the available phylogenetic information that allows the application of new methods to estimate more comprehensively diversification rates. These advances are facilitated by the ease of getting and producing new molecular data, allowing the building of phylogenies for large groups of organisms, as well as using imputation procedures to fill the gaps in the available backbone phylogenies (e.g.,
Despite these advances and the optimism in estimating diversification rates from molecular phylogenies, there are still many issues to solve, both theoretically and methodologically, including underdetermination issues (
Here, we expanded the discussions by
Simulations follow the basic framework discussed by
We then assume that there is a LTG underlying this simulated data, so that southern species are not well delimited due to a lack of more refined studies, making them more prone to subdivisions when more data become available. Thus, southern species can be subdivided into two “daughter” species (i.e., the currently known one and a newly defined one). We are thus assuming that the new species to be described are closely related to previously described ones (i.e.,
In the first set of simulations, after each subdivision the newly described species are kept in the same (southern) region of the originally known species. In the second set, however, if the subdivision occurs for a species distributed in both northern and southern regions, it is necessary to further define the geographical scenario underlying this recent and previously unknown speciation, to give a more realistic account of the biological interpretation of the simulations. We defined this probabilistically, considering four potential geographical scenarios. First, the pair of species after subdivision can still be found in both regions, with a probability for this scenario set for P = 0.1. Alternatively, the current geographic range can be divided between a southern and a northern species, revealing then a recent allopatric speciation, with a P = 0.35. We also assigned a P = 0.35 to another scenario in which the original species can still be found in both regions, but the newly described one is restricted only to the southern region. This scenario thus assumes peripatric speciation and increase richness in the southern only, revealing an overlap between Linnean and Wallacean shortfall. Finally, it is also possible that the original species is still found in both regions, but the newly described one is restricted to the northern region and assigned to this scenario a P = 0.2.
We ran 5000 simulations for each of the two sets of simulations, which were associated with the two methods applied to detect shifts in diversification rates. In the first set, we estimated the Diversification Rates (DR) following
We also estimated the speciation rates for the northern and southern regions using GeoSSE (
Methodological steps to evaluate the interaction between Linnean and Darwinian shortfalls under LTG driving biased estimates of diversification rates. We start with a randomly generated phylogeny and define northern and southern (richer) clades, and two geographical sets are defined. In the first geographical set, associated with tests based on mean diversification rates DR, species are assigned to northern and southern regions, and mean DR are compared using a PGLS. In the second set, 20% of the species are common to both regions (widespread species), allowing comparisons of speciation, extinction, and dispersal rates using GeoSSE. When a widespread shift, it is necessary to define the geographical distribution of the new species (the species D in the above framework). We start with a random phylogeny in which rates in northern and southern regions are equal and begin the splitting cycle in the southern species. The cycle stops when a difference between mean DR values appears in the PGLS and when a ΔAIC > 3 is obtained by comparing GeoSSE fit with a null model in which rates are equal between regions. This process is repeated 5000 times, generating a statistical distribution of the minimum number of new species added to the southern region that is sufficient to shift the diversification rates.
For our purposes here, and following the same reasoning previously described for evaluating patterns in DR, we started GeoSSE analysis by conservatively retaining for further splitting cycles only those simulated phylogenies for which ΔAIC < 3. This involved comparing the fitted GeoSSE with a null model where there is no difference in speciation, extinction, and dispersal rates between northern and southern regions. A low proportion of simulations with ΔAIC < 3, even when dealing with randomly generated phylogenies with the same diversification (but varying richness), is expected due to the relatively high “type I error” of GeoSSE (see
For the DR, we analyzed about 65% of the simulations in which initial diversification rates were, by chance, not significantly different between northern and southern regions. On average, the non-random geographic structure on the diversification rates, revealing a shift from non-significant to significant difference between northern and southern DRs, appears when adding about 14% of new daughter species in the southern region, with a right-skewed distribution (Fig.
Results for the GeoSSE are qualitatively similar to those obtained for DR, but with even more right-skewed distributions. Based on the 18% of simulations where ΔAIC < 3 between the fitted model and null expectation (i.e., equal speciation rates) before the splits, we found that the ΔAIC becomes larger than 3 when about 15% of new southern species are added in the simulations. Alternatively, when considering both southern or widespread new species being incorporated, this value decreases to 11.3%. In most cases, this change in AIC results in less than doubling speciation rates in the southern region (Fig.
The statistical distribution of the minimum proportion of new species added to the southern region to create a significant (P < 0.05) geographical gradient in the mean diversification rates (DR) using a PGLS (A), and the percentual change in mean DR between the two regions under this minimum increase in species’ number (B).
The statistical distribution of the minimum proportion of new species added to the southern region to generate a ΔAIC > 3 when comparing fitted GeoSSE with a null model in which speciation, extinction and dispersal rates between northern and southern regions are the same (A), and the percentual change in speciation rate in these cases with the minimum number of splitting cycles adding species to the southern region (B).
In this paper, we expand the original proposal by
It is intuitive, from an evolutionary point of view, that higher diversification rates should explain the LDG in what have been called “evolutionary” models (see
However, when the possibility of estimating diversification rates and their geographic patterns became more widespread, considering the more intuitive reasoning in which richness and diversification rates are directly correlated, ambiguous and sometimes counterintuitive results were found. In some cases, weak or absence of geographical gradients in diversification or speciation rates were found, reinforcing the higher plausibility of recent ecological mechanisms driving diversity gradients or historical processes involving species’ accumulation under TNC (e.g.,
As pointed out by
First, by considering the simple simulation results obtained here, it would be important to assess how realistic an LTG of at least 20% would be, especially considering that the biases strongly vary among groups of organisms.
Although our simulations suggest that geographical structure in the Linnean shortfall and LTG may be a plausible explanation for patterns in diversification or speciation rate, it is still necessary to improve our understanding of this effect via empirical analyses, opening a second large research avenue. For instance, a first step would be to develop consistent predictive models for the Linnean shortfall (i.e., based on socioeconomic and historical components of taxonomic research, e.g.
Again, our analyses reinforce the importance of better accounting for LTGs proposed by
We thank Gabriel Nakamura, Lucas Jardim, and Rafael Barbosa Pinto for helpful discussions and comments on preliminary versions of this work, and to Robert Whittaker, Suzanne Fritz and two anonymous reviewers for suggestions that greatly improved the manuscript. This paper is derived from meetings at a working group on “Biodiversity Shortfalls” sponsored by the National Institute for Science and Technology (INCT) in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity Conservation (CNPq proc. 465610/2014-5 and FAPEG proc. 201810267000023). GRGT and LEFF are supported by M.Sc. and Doctoral scholarships from CAPES, while JAFD-F is continuously supported by Productivity Grant from CNPq.
GRGT led the study and did all the programming and analyses, based on the design that was also defined by LEFF and JAFDF. All authors contributed intellectually to the project and participated in writing the final version of this manuscript.
The authors declare that the present research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationship that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.